King chalice-shaped glass vase by Adriani and Rossi

Discover our collection of designer accessories and vases such as the King Vase model in the photo

Adriani and Rossi's glass King glass vase in the shape of a chalice integrates seamlessly into domestic settings with its captivating design, combining functionality and style to perfection. How to coordinate complementary pieces with the decor? With numerous proposals from Adriani and Rossi, you will have a range of tones and textures at your disposal to express your interior design creativity. Complementary pieces and designer vases greatly enhance the value of our homes' decor and are not only beautiful to behold but also multifunctional. In our store, we showcase furniture and accessories from Adriani and Rossi, offering an almost infinite range of stunning complementary pieces waiting for you. Our interior designers will guide you in selecting the perfect vase model that complements both practicality and aesthetics of your space.

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