Bathroom Mobile Depth Project 2834 by Lago.

Lago Design Bathroom Furniture: choose this wooden model among various proposals for suspended bath

Lago designs projects for bathroom furniture with suspended bathroom furniture that combine well-studied lines and practicality, as this room requires. In the showroom you can personally view the most exclusive furnishing compositions of the well-known and renowned brand: we are waiting for you to furnish together the wellness room. The Bathroom Furniture Model Depth Project 2834 by Lago in wood is part of the rich collection of bathroom furniture of the brand, always of great aesthetic value. With the types we present you will ensure yourself furniture made with craftsmanship and in trend even for the bathroom, which must be carefully designed, with practicality and design. Technical materials and a rich range of colors guarantee detailed customization and durable materials that resist various substances. Aesthetically appreciable and essential in every bathroom, a wooden design model like the one in the image will solve your housing needs of any kind.

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