Sally Night 30 bed by Orme

Sally Night 30 bed by Orme: a rich catalog of upholstered double beds awaits you

On our website, you can find the most valid solutions from the best brands specializing in bedroom furniture, with a wide range of customization options in terms of colors and combinations, accessories, and much more. The Sally Night 30 Bed by Orme is one of the most exclusive solutions from the brand, a specialist in good sleep, capable of ensuring functionality, comfort, and a unique style. If you want to ensure total comfort in your moments of relaxation, choose modern double beds in fabric like the model in the photo. The bedroom is the space in the house that most reflects the taste of the user, an interior dedicated to rest, relaxation, and privacy. Discover a wide range of upholstered beds from the best brands in Home Furnishings available in our showroom and enhance your bedroom.

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