Space-saving 48 bedroom by Corazzin

Salvaspazio 48 model with matt lacquered finish designed for kids: discover all the space-saving solutions

If you are looking for creative ideas to organize your children's room optimally, we present to you the Space-saving Bedroom 48 by Corazzin with a matte lacquered finish. Corazzin offers a rich catalog of custom accessories to combine: you will find a bed, wardrobe or walk-in closet, desk, chairs, and bookshelves. Bring aesthetic content and vibrant colors to the children's room with this proposal, one of Corazzin's space-saving bedrooms for kids. Trust us with the furnishing of your children's room: in our store, we showcase all the most exclusive modern furnishing compositions for their room. This proposal in matte lacquer excellently enhances the qualities of functionality and aesthetics of the bedroom, as it is capable of combining ergonomics and safety.

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