Pocket chair by Bontempi

Bontempi's Poket Chair: furnish your interiors with one of the most exclusive modern folding chairs.

In the shop you will be able to see firsthand the most exclusive proposals on the market, including the modern dining ones signed by the renowned Bontempi brand. Poket chair by Bontempi in plastic: it will be able to better organize the dining area or living room of your home, combining functionality and style. In addition to being really comfortable and ergonomic, this plastic chair will guarantee you total livability in places where you are in company with family and friends. Each Bontempi solution guarantees a certain style regardless of the place where it is intended, as it organizes the spaces by embellishing them. Seats are among the essential furniture and accessories in every home, so we have a wide range of solutions in the shop to choose from based on your preferences.

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