NOW Sideboard 1390B high sideboard by Lago

The sideboard visible here belongs to our rich line of glass home furnishings for the living room

If you are passionate about interior design and always stay updated on the evolution of the design in the sector, our exhibition center is the ideal place for you. If you are looking for a space-saving living room furniture model, discover in our store a rich catalog of Home Furniture from top brands and contact us for information and quotes. Modern sideboards, including the model visible in the photo, personalize the living room or dining room with well-studied lines and great storage capacity. Even in a fairly small living room, these living room furniture pieces manage to solve various housing issues, ensuring various possibilities for customized characterization. The NOW Sideboard 1390B tall sideboard by Lago in the photo, made of glass, solves the most personal space and style needs, furnishing the living room with functionality and a unique design.

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