Suspended bathroom cabinet Cartabianca 05 Termocotto Oak finish by Cerasa

Discover our line of modern Bathroom furniture and suspended wooden Bathroom furniture, like the Cartabianca 05 model.

Quality raw materials and a wide range of colors ensure detailed customization and high-quality materials that withstand different substances or compounds. With the models we present, you will guarantee yourself furnishings made with craftsmanship and design, even for the bathroom, which should be carefully furnished with functionality and style. In the store, you can personally experience the most original furnishing compositions of the renowned brand: we will welcome you to furnish together the wellness room. Pleasant and useful in every bathroom, a modern wooden model like the one in the photo will solve your housing problems of every kind. Cerasa designs projects for modern bathroom furnishings with suspended bathroom furniture that combines unique design and practicality, as this room requires. The suspended bathroom furniture model Cartabianca 05 in Thermocotto Oak finish by Cerasa is part of the wide range of bathroom furnishings by the brand, always charming.

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